When you first walk through our door you'll be greeted by a Clarity Pregnancy Options team member. At Clarity, we seek to provide you with a warm & welcoming atmosphere to help you feel as comfortable as possible given the uncertainties you might be experiencing with a potential unexpected pregnancy.
We start out the appointment with having you sign our confidentiality policy and abortion disclaimer, to let you know that we are not a medical facility and do not provide or refer for abortions. Our purpose is to give you a safe space to process your thoughts about your situation and to offer all the information needed to give you the peace of mind and confidence in knowing that you carefully weighed all of your options before making your final decision. Included in your 1 hour appointment is a:
short intake questionnaire to help us know how we can best care for you
medical grade pregnancy test with 99% accuracy
estimated stage of pregnancy (needed to determine abortion procedures available to you)
individualized information on all three of your legal options including:
abortion procedures (medical & surgical) available to you at your stage of pregnancy
adoption planning process & referrals to credible agencies
pregnancy & parenting supports including our in-house prenatal program
optional follow-up care depending on your pregnancy test results and decision.
Watch for upcoming posts about our Prenatal Care Program, Adoption Planning & Post Abortion Care Services.
Do you have another question about what to expect during your appointment? Contact us or type your question into the live chat. Ready to Book an Appointment? Schedule a time at either our Welland, Niagara Falls or St. Catharines Location.
